Make Nature Your Valentine
Whether you celebrate or ignore Valentine's Day, here at TreeSisters, we take every opportunity to encourage everyone to add a bit of nature love to their day. Connecting with nature is an opportunity to be part of something bigger than ourselves. By cultivating a strong relationship with our natural world, you are taking scientifically proven steps that are good for you and the planet that last far beyond one day. Aside from celebrating our love of nature, we have lots of exciting news to share this month. The TreeSisters team is off to the Creator's Lab in Hawaii; we share why carbon credits don't fit our mission; you're invited to our live full moon gathering, we offer nature meditations, and more. So please dive in and consider supporting TreeSisters vision and mission today. Thank you.

Strengthening TreeSisters' Alliance with Original Peoples
TreeSisters are delighted and honoured to announce that we will be in Hawaii between the 27th and 30th of January as guests of The Fountain and welcomed by honourable Hawai'ian Grandmother Tutu Manulele for a "Creator's Lab". This meeting with a select number of The Fountain's close partners aims to share ideas and ways of working that bridge scientific and business approaches with Original Principles derived from the ancestral wisdom of cultures that have and are living in harmony with the earth. You can learn more about this 3-day event and these vital conversations for the ongoing conservation of our world through the link below.

TreeSisters Position on Carbon Credits and Offsets
"TreeSisters is a stand for life. TreeSisters uphold a biocultural approach wherein an ecosystem has innate worth, right to life, knowledge and freedoms... We call for radical generosity and realignment with nature, not the least amount to be done."
As we see more of a spotlight on the issues surrounding carbon offsetting, credits and the monetisation of nature, we invite you to read our condensed position on why TreeSisters does not currently support these measures as a way of providing long-term care for our earth.
Green Cover & Planting Projects

Spotlight on... Bombetoka Bay, Madagascar
Madagascar is home to some of the world's most unique flora and fauna, with 200,000 species of plants and animals that don't exist anywhere else on the planet. However, 97% of Western Madagascar's dry, deciduous forests have been devastated by tree cutting and frequent fires for hunting and agriculture. Minute natural forest fragments remain along steep ravines and support a now tiny lemur population. As well as restoring lost habitat, your support raises awareness of forest loss and the essential role of reforestation and conservation among the inhabitants and tourists visiting the nearby area.
Events & Offerings

Join us on the 6th of February for this month's live Full Moon Meditation as we embrace the liminal space between night and day with the rising dawn. Slow down, deepen your presence and welcome the possibilities as we cross this threshold of darkness to light and are invited into a new day. These free meditations aim to connect you with our natural world and are an audio-only experience allowing you to drop into and fully immerse yourself in the experience.
This 10-minute Moments to Nourish meditation invites you to be present with stillness and tap into your experiences of kindness. Invoking nature and our natural world, this meditation encourages you to pause in your day and explore how you can harmonise with compassion and kindness—allowing you to tune into and bring that feeling with you in all of your daily interactions.
For this month's Indigenous Wisdom for the Earth and to celebrate Mama Irene being selected to the 2023 Central Florida Film Festival (CENFLO), we're bringing back our interview with the film's Co-Director, Elisabeth Mohlmann and Nelly Vilca Huaman and Magaly Quispe Singona. Together, they tell the remarkable story of an 84-year-old healer from Peru who overcame immense trauma to inspire and share Indigenous knowledge and traditions in danger of being lost forever.
Remember, you can join us in our private TreeSisters Community Branch on Facebook! Get all the TreeSisters news first and be part of a growing movement of people taking a stand for nature. This is an inclusive space to share, learn and support one another in our journey toward restoration. Together, we can be the change, inspire others, and make the necessary shift from consumer to restorer.
Did you know? By supporting TreeSisters, you help restore the world's tropical forests. Your donation supports our entire portfolio of planting partners and projects re-establishing the diverse forest ecosystems, protecting multiple critically endangered species, reducing poverty and mitigating climate change. Find out more about our work.
UK Charity ID. 1149961
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